When the galaxy was invaded by the alien Yuuzhan Vong in 25 ABY, the Rar sisters battled the belligerent species on the front lines, leading a partisan resistance movement on the occupied planet of New Plympto. The two Force-sensitive Twi'lek girls were eventually rescued from their bleak existence by Jedi Knight Daeshara'cor and taken to be trained in the ways of the Force on Yavin 4.
They always witnessed the cruelty and hardships in the drug dens of the city. Born in the poverty on Ryloth, Rar and her sister Numa were enslaved and worked together as dancers to earn to survive in the ryll drug dens of the planet's major subterranean city, Kala'uun.
' Perhaps I want to be cruel.' ―Alema Rar Īlema Rar was a female Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Knight who served the New Jedi Order while her hardships in life and inner darkness eventually resulted in a turn to the dark side of the Force.